Almaty (Kazakh: Алматы / Almatı / الماتى), also known by its former name Alma-Ata and Verny (until 1921), is the largest city in Kazakhstan.
At present Alma-Ata is the scientific, cultural, historical, industrial and financial centre of the country.
The city is completely surrounded by territory of Almaty area, in which administratively Alma-Ata does not enter. In the north Alma-Ata borders on Ilijsky area, in the west and the south — with Karasai area, in the east — with Talgar area.
In June, 2007 the city has been added in the list of the most expensive cities of the world, it having appeared in 30 cities.
The city of Alma-Ata is located in the southeast of Kazakhstan at in the north of mountain spurs of Tian-Shan at the base of northern slope of Zailijsky Ala Tau in valleys of the rivers of Big and Small Almatinki. The basic part of a city is located at height from 600 to 900 m above sea level, however the separate sites which are under control of city administration are considerably higher (stadium Medeo — 1691,2 m, natural boundary Chimbulak — 2200—2500 m.)
The vicinity of a city and its surroundings concern Almaty seismoactive area of a 9-ball zone of Southern Kazakhstan.
Alma-Ata is a solar, cosy, buried in verdure city with wide streets, beautiful buildings, numerous parks, squares and fountains. The most beautiful city at bottom of emerald ridges of Tian-Shan not casually name "garden city". In the spring when southern suburbs roll in flowering apple, apricot, cherry gardens, the city becomes similar to a fairy tale. The magnificent green dress and a majestic panorama of mountains do Alma-Ata unlike other cities. Gardens, groves, occupy parks, parkways, flower beds over eight thousand hectares of city territory.
Today in Alma-Ata is more than 120 fountains, 61 of them — in the municipal property. Fountains together with branched out irrigation ditch network play for Alma-Ata imporatant role — together they create a uniform complex of reservoirs and city water currents. Every year in the end of spring is celebrated city holiday - «Day of Fountains». This day for the first time after winter all fountains of the city turn on. Recently, approximately in 2006, the new fountain, on lake Sairan, in microdistrict Tastak has been opened. Height of fountain stream about 30 metres
Ascension Cathedral is a unique engineering design an aseismic construction 56 metres height, constructed by architect K.A.Borisoglebskiy and the engineer A. P.Zenkov in 1907 from blue Tian Shan fur-trees under Pavel Gurde's project.
In a city the set of monuments in honour of different historical figures is established.
Medeo - the sports complex constructed in mountain natural boundary Medeo at height 1691 metre above sea level, close «southern capital» Kazakhstan — cities of Almaty.
Shymbulak— a mounting skiing resort in Kazakhstan, near Alma-Ata, the Zailijsky Ala Tau located on a ridge.
The natural boundary Chimbulak is at height of Top of 2200-2500 m: Shkolnik of 3800 m, Chimbulak of 3500 m, Talgar pass of 3200 m.
Favorable environment involves climbers, tourists, mountain skiers in this area with an accessible relief, allows to lay ski lines with difference of heights of 900-1000 m. Therefore here since 1954 the mountain-skiing sports base "Chimbulak" has started to function. Length of pistes descent from Talgarsky pass of 3500 m, the giant slalom - 1500 m, average width of 25 m, a bias 11 °-29 °.
Big Almaty lake is located in river gorge Big Almatinka at height of 2511 m above sea level, in 28,5 km to the south from Alma-Ata. Lies in a hollow surrounded by mountain tops. Above, over a blue bowl of lake, in very ancient glacial valley the settlement of an observatory with effective domes which is called «Tian-Shan astronomical observatory», in 2 km from lake, at height of 2700 m. has settled down
The Charyn canyon — a nature sanctuary combined from sedimentary breeds, which age is about 12 million years. The height of steep mountains of a canyon reaches 150—300 m.
Kok Tube ́ (literaly ́ — «dark blue hill») — the mountain located in immediate proximity from a city of Alma-Ata. Height — 1130 m above sea level. To rise on the Kok Tube it is possible both on a winding highway, and on «rope-way». The Rope-way originates from square at the Republic Palace.
Tabagan— a mounting skiing resort in 17 km from Alma-Ata. The area — 55 hectares. The top point of a slope is on a mark of 1650 m above sea level.
Ak Bulak - high-mountainous, a mounting skiing resort is located in 35 km from Almaty, at a foot of Talgar mountains (city of Talgar).
The length of lines makes 5 000 metres, the maximum steepness of a slope of 55 degrees. The general extent of a rope-way – 3 700 m. the highest point - 2 700 metres above sea level