The city of Astana ́(with rkaz. Astana — "capital") is the capital of Republic Kazakhstan (since December, 10th, 1997). The city is the second in the country on a population after Alma-Ata. The city has been founded in 1832 when on river bank Esil in natural boundary Karaotkel the fortress Akmola was based. On July, 16th, 1863 Akmola has officially been declared a district city. In December, 1960 the city became the centre of Virgin land with all northern areas of Kazakhstan. Till 1961 it was called Akmolinsk, since 1961 till 1992 - Tselinograd, and since 1992 till1998 - Akmola.
The city is located in northern Kazakhstan on river Esil bank, in a place of its greatest rapprochement with the river Nura.
The young capital on the bank of ancient Ishim (Esil) is not just an architectural masterpieces of world leading architects, not just a policy, business and investments, but also a raging cultural life. Historically it was the centre connecting Europe and Asia.
Astana is located in central Kazakhstan on the Ishim River in a very flat, semi-desert steppe region which covers most of the country's territory. The elevation of Astana is at 347 metres (1,138 ft) above sea level.
The main waterway of capital - the river Esil proceeds in its southern part and originates from springs in mountains Niaz in the Karaganda area.
* Ak Orda — Republic Kazakhstan president residence.
* Bayterek — the main sight of Astana. The construction height is 97 metres, with 105 metres sphere crowning a design. Diameter of the gilt sphere is 22 metres. The bottom level leades on four and a half metre under the earth where cafe, aquariums and minigallery "Bayterek" are located. Therefrom it is possible to rise on the lift on the uppermost level – a sphere in which the bar and a panoramic hall settle down. Sightseeing tours for visitors are made on Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages. The monument has been constructed as a symbol of carrying over of capital of Alma-Ata to Akmola in 1997.
* Independence Palace — a building intended for carrying out of diplomatic and other actions of the international level.
* Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (Pyramid of Peace) — a building intended for carrying out of the Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions.
* fountain "Life Tree", got nickname "Chupa-Chups" for the similar form. On four sides of a fountain figures of animals - a bull, a horse, a camel and a ram are located. The figure of each animal is crowned with a head of a dragon-symbol of wisdom.
Archeologists find in city boundaries the artefacts dated with an epoch of bronze, the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages. So, in 2001, 2005 have been discovered burial grounds of bronze epoch and the early Iron Age of Kujgenzhar. In 2007 the imperial barrow in the street Sygnak located in immediate proximity from the Palace of Independence is partially investigated. One of the main historical objects which are in city boundaries, the site of ancient settlement of Bozok — a monument functioning since an epoch of the early Middle Ages (VII—VIII centuries) till an epoch of the Kazakh khanate (XV—XVI centuries) is.